Friday night went to a med school-sponsored party at Reading Terminal in center city Philly. It was fun to see lots of creative costumes but other than that it was eh. Definitely over that whole scene. Saturday night an old friend came in from out of town so we had a fun time playing host and taking the group to Bob & Barbara's then to the Pearl Jam concert. It was the last show ever at the Wachovia Spectrum. I'm not a Philly native but it was definitely an emotional thing going on for a lot of people at the show - lots of memories in that building for most of them I think. It was pretty cool to see, and the show went on for over 40 songs. Yeah crazy!
I love you crazy Lynne. This postsecret of course made me think of you when I saw it.
I can say the same thing as whoever sent that one in. I'm proud to look like you, proud to be the same as you in so many ways: two big hearts, two women who love animals, two women who are kind and generous and love to laugh. I'm so glad I'm your daughter.
(you're always letting me be me, every day you're the only thing i see)
I will never lose the ability to stand on my own. But when you become one with a beautiful soul it feels like a sin to be separated. Tomorrow the world will be right again.